Real Time with Bill Maher tonight. His guests and panels provide food for hungry brains. What fun to hear a cogent point of view that doesn't necessarily coincide with my own. He gathers the pertinent people drifting in and out of our collective consciousness. Not necessarily the media magnets but high achievers known for their chosen fields.
Tonight Bill Bradley chatted with Bill Maher after the monologue, Mos Def and Salman Rushdie were the panelists, and Christopher Hitchens joined them later on. Quite a think tank. Mos Def ran rings around them all, masterfully communicating flashes of genius. But, then again, I usually come away feeling that way about the guests.
Just when I think I've got Maher figured out, he surprises me. Sometimes he's a little more self-satisfied than I find palateable but he has a fine, nimble mind that easily cuts through the cow pies.
Are there any origami fans out there? The origami shapes by Cecila Cotton are different than the usual. And...she provides tutorials so they can be duplicated. I'll be keeping myself occupied occasionally playing with little bits paper!
Oh my goodness! I stumbled across the cutest little pieces of art that I have seen in a very, long time. Kay Stahler'sfelted dogs are exquisite and amazing. This artist creates minature, needle felted replicas of owner's pets. If you would like to see more of her work or commission a miniature of your own pet, be sure to visit her web site at
Got some extra time on your hands and want to learn how to do something that can be mastered in one sitting? Here are some stumbles that might fit the bill:
My husband & I went to Ottawa on Wednesday for a short vacation and, while visiting a friend, we ended up adding a new dog to our family. Our other dog Fluffy likes her very much. The cats aren't as enthusiastic.
Bella is a 7-month old Bassett Hound that needed a new home. Isn't she a pretty girl?
I came across an article about Alkaline Foods from a blog that I subscribe to that really piqued my interest. It explained the health benefits of keeping a balanced PH level in the blood by offsetting the ingestion of acidic and alkaline foods.
I've never heard of this before but I thought I would try it and see if I derive any health benefits from it.
In order to display the foods in table form to print for reference ease in the kitchen, I made up a PDF file, which you might like, too. I have made it available for downloading here.
There are so many lists out there on what to do, where to find things, how to do things, etc. Here's my random list of interesting lists. I hope some of them will prove to be interesting and helpful to you, too.
While stumbling, I came across a perfectly lovely, illustrated story. It is called The Saddest Bear of Allby David Guy. It will only take up a minute of your time.
I encourage you to read it and hope that you enjoy it.
Everyone's ideas were brilliant. The exercycle is history and I will lose the storage area behind the tomato plant (wood divider). The idea of the roll-down blind instead of the umbrella is inspired.
You KNOW a bench/love seat will be residing on that deck as soon as it warms up. It's such an obvious choice!
I'm also going to work in as many of the other suggestions as possible. I'm a lousy gardener so I can't vouch on the safety of more plants :)
Keep an eye on where your produce comes from and when it is showing up in the grocery store. I live in Ontario, Canada so, when I see hothouse tomatoes grown that are a product of Canada, I'm pretty sure no slave labour was involved in the harvesting of them.
YIKES! My husband and I made the switch. I don't know what you would officially call us but we've decided we won't eat anything with a face.
A few weeks ago, I received the current National Geographic magazine. There was a picture of a turtle being held by someone and it seemed to me that the turtle was screaming. Underneath was a caption about the probable destination as turtle soup. The initial impact of that photograph was startling. It continued to haunt me for weeks while I kept noticing what I was consuming. I talked to my husband about it and he thought it was a good idea for both of us to discontinue eating meat.
We are experimenting with vegetarian products and recipes. Here are some of the internet resources we have come across while bumbling through our new lifestyle: